High Vibe Tribe
High Vibe Tribe
Join our community of people actively seeking to raise their vibration through improved health & increased mindfulness. In our High Vibe Tribe, we provide the meditation, education, dedication & support (MEDS) you need to mend, mind, muscle or metabolism
Decibel 1
A space to just hang out, shout out, vent to, learn from or meet like-minded souls, while expanding your wellness toolkit!
Monthly -
Access to community message boards for discussion on all things mind, muscle & metabolism
Sound Bites - Mini lessons, training tips, workouts, recipes, meal planning tips, mindfulness tips, mini meditation sessions, movement tutorial videos, & more!
Free entry into all online challenges
Monthly invitation to "Playdate to Elevate" events.
10% off all Coaching Services
Decibel 2
You’re paying for more access to my energy. You sure you want in? I can be a lot. 😂 You get everything in Decibel 1, PLUS:
Monthly -
EVERYTHING in Decibel 1, PLUS:
Access to the Chill Tent - Ready to shut down the monkey mind once & for all? Here you’ll enjoy live meditations, visualization journeys, self-connection activities & mindful movement routines
Access to the Freque Show - I’ll show you the weird & wonderful ways in which I raise my frequency & find my higher self.
2 FREE 1:1 60-minute coaching calls per year - Choose from Metabolic Reboot (fitness/nutrition consultation) or State of Mind (life coach session).
50% Discount on 1 "Playdate to Elevate" event per year.
15% off all Coaching Services
Decibel 3
Ohhh you want to do the deep dive do you? Well OK! You get everything in Decibel 1 & 2, PLUS a seat at the VIP Table which includes:
Monthly -
EVERYTHING in Decibel 2, PLUS:
Free Courses in Mind, Muscle & Metabolism science & practicum. Great for the beginner practitioner or anyone who wants to learn more about their own process.
Backstage Pass - You get direct access to a practitioner to ask all your questions. Get the answers you need directly from the experts anytime!
Access to my professional network & reviews of trusted healers, coaches & programs
4 FREE 1:1 60-minute coaching calls per year - Choose from Metabolic Reboot (fitness/nutrition consultation) or State of Mind (life coach session).
1 Complementary "Playdate to Elevate" event per year.
25% off all Coaching Services